Very easy 24h clock


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Published on 29 Apr, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hello this is my first tutorial for a very easy 24h (in game) clock. With the 0 so it looks right (01:08) instead of (1:8).

Simply make 3 text objects label them how ever you want or you can label them the same as I did. (See pictures)

In the properties set the text to ( 00 ) for the hour and seconds text and ( : ) for the 3rd text object. This makes it easier to line up now for the Events.

Make 2 global variables 1 for the hours and 1 for the seconds and layout the events as I did in the picture. (will type the events if requested)

Sorry for the blurred patch I screen capped it from the game I am working on. But that's it there is probably a much better way of doing this but the couple of tutorials I found. I could not get to work for me so I made this solution.

And that's the final result before and after 10 minute/hour mark. Hope this helps someone and Thanks for looking


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  • You should update this tutorial to minutes and seconds because you have "if seconds = 60 then add 1 to hours" but after 60 seconds that is a minute not an hour. If you want to do hours you need to add one more condition "if minutes = 60 then add 1 to hours"