Cinematic Zoom


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Published on 31 Jan, 2012. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

This tutorial is for my friend SocialLie, and I hope that pleases everyone.

1 - Create a Global Variable "zoom" = 1


2a - Create two inactive group "zoom in and zoom out"


2b - Observe the commands that were placed within the group and copy it.

3 - On start layer place:

a> Group "zoom in" Actived (for more stable)

b> Set Variable Zoom to = 0.01

4a - On end layer place:

A> Group "zoom out" Actived

4b - if you have more layers place:

B> Set Variable Zoom to = 1 (for more stable)

You can customize the amount of zoom you want. adjust the numbers of "zoom variable" shown "inside" the group in the second image.

You can see the exemple in my game "Tiny Prince" on Scirra Arcade.

here -->

If you use this example not forget to include me in your credits. not make as SocialLie! lol Just joking.. =)

If you like this Tutorial please like my page.

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