Building with Cordova - PART 02 - Build an Android App



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Published on 4 Oct, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Step 8 - Build the APK!

8.1 - You must close the console window and open a new one for the ANDROID_HOME variable to take effect. Now go to the command line window, type the following to build the APK file and press Enter:

"cordova build --release --device android"

8.2 - Wait for the build to be completed. When it's done, open the folder below in Windows Explorer and take a look at our compiled game:


You will find two files: one is for ARM devices and the other one for x86 devices.

I won't go into detail about what each one means but we will want the ARM apk file to test it on our smartphone. We only need one.


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