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Hello Construct Community! This Tutorial is made as a little thought experiment but might have some merit for the one or other person. The principles still are...


Topic: Let's see how to setup user authentication in game with Construct 3 | Rest API Integration. If you have any issues with CORS: Try installing this extensi...

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How do I load this AJAX REST API request?
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Hi folks, I'm trying to return data from a REST API on my system. I've tried a few different combinations, but I'm not sure I'm even in the ballpark. If someone...

posted 4 years ago
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Send recorded audio to server
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I'm developing a reading game to help children to improve their reading skills. I can manage to record sound from mic using Game Recorder and User Media, but I...

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How do I communicate with a RESTful api?
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So, I'm trying to get values from the public pokemon api: I'm using the ajax object with the request action but nothing happens. Also, is there a way of reading...

posted 3 years ago
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How to connect to database, rest api?
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I am not to much familiar how things work in network communication, well I know basic theory, but how things are done in practice, not so much. I am wondering h...

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[Paid work] Construct 3 developer
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Scope: Building robust Construct programs that are modular and scalable. Deploying a game in a professional way and having a robust approach to testing and bug...

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