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Minify script not work with custom scripts?
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When I add a own script, I can't check minify script on export options? Is it planned that minify script will work in the next updates?

posted 5 years ago
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Search for an empty javascript code?
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I can't minify my export without it ((I think I might have accidentally added an empty Javascript code within my event sheet, (minify script is greyed out)). Up...

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Advanced minification question
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I have everything pretty much working with advanced minification in my game except for one issue. My whole game is pretty much in Javascript except for some tou...

posted 4 years ago
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Minify not work?
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Does the latest C2 still support Minify? It gives error. Is there any way to run minify script manually by hand? What are params? I have in Path. Java version "...

posted 4 years ago
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Construct 2 doesnt see any Java version
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I'm reinstalled several version of Java, but Construct 2 doesnt see any of them. (Reboot didnt help). Can I fix it manually? What path Construct 2 looking for?...

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How to make c3_callFunction minify safe?
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I have a bit of JS code that breaks with advanced minification. It appears it is changing "c3_callFunction" to g_aYQ, and gives a reference error: "g_aYQ Is'nt...

posted 4 years ago
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Minifying script takes too long since last updates
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Is it only me, but since 2 updates ago, minifying the script when exporting to web takes 10 times more than before. Any ideas? Thanks!

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Minify Script Problem
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There's no problem when I export my project as Minify (simple), but. When I try to export as Minify (advance), I get the following error. The previous version d...

posted 3 years ago
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Error during Minification -
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I'm gettting the following error during minification (simple and advanced give the same error). My other programs minify fine. I'm including a script which has...

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Java Minify problem
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So, after I try to export with minify option on to HTML5 it keeps saying: Unable to run the script minifier (2). Please ensure you have. Java 8+ installed. It c...