Forum Topics tagged json

JSON is a language-independent data format. It was derived from JavaScript.

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I'm running into a situation where loading the full state of a game doesn't include the state of the advanced random plugin. If this is the case, I need a way t...

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How do I find the index of a value inside a JSON array?
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My problem is actually checking if a JSON array has a specific number in it or not, so I was thinking that searching for an index would resolve it, but I couldn...

posted 3 years ago
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How to convert a JSON into an Array object?
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I have done these steps thinking the "Load" action from the Array object would work out of the box, but I'm apparently missing something. This is my JSON. This...

posted 3 years ago
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I have 1500 sentences in an array (via JSON), and a local folder with 1500 images 0000.Png to 1499.Png. The sentences are displayed in a text box, there's a spr...

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Click the button to change the bg to a color from a list of values. I have it working fine when I populate an array by using the event sheet, but when I put the...

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[FEATURE REQUEST] use .gzip files
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I'm using HTML5 export. In my project there's many sounds and pictures. About 4000. And data.Json file became 5.5mb. Compressed data.Json.Gz is less then 1mb. W...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I query a JSON object?
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I have a simple JSON file that I want to query. I parse my JSONtest project file from AJAX.LastData : {. "story": }. I can display JSONtest.Get("story.1.Name")...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I use Set from JSON?
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I am trying to swap 2 objects together (which have lots of instance variables), so I thought "Why not try Set from JSON?". I saved the AsJSON state of the first...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I get data back into array from database?
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I'm sending a C3 array to a (mySQL) database. Then I want to retrieve it with C3 and restore the array. The array is width=4, height=1, depth=1. Array: X(0)="ra...

posted 3 years ago
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How can I get parsed json to text object?
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Is there a way to load up a text object with the parsed JSON? What I have in the image below doesn't work. I do know that I can loop through the parsed json, bu...

posted 3 years ago

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