Content tagged exit-game-button

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Why doesn't work the exit game and the restart layout?
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I tried that way:Mouse->On Left button Clicked on Exit Text-> Browser Close. It doesn't work, if I click then nothing happens. Restart layout: I tried that way:...

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How do I make my game shut down/quit in
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Hey, so I've uploaded the first version of my game Astral Hunters, to itch.Io. Now, I made an exit game button, but it doesn't seem to work in Itch.Io, it worke...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I make an exit button for a downloadable game?
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I'm currently making a project in C2 wich is exported through NW.Js, but I can't make an exit/quit button. I have tried using the browser plugin to close, but i...

posted 1 years ago