Content tagged construct3

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Boardgame Movement
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Here I have a simple example not realy a tutorial, of how to move a player on a game board like in Monopoly made with Construct 3. The sourcefile is well docume...

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Crie um jogo de Plataforma no Construct 3
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⭐Curso Criação e Monetização de Jogos Mobile (de R$95 por R$23): Material da Aula: Acompanhe a Academia Gamer nas redes sociais: Facebook: Instagram: Acesse nos...

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Creating a multiplayer card game
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This is an advanced tutorial that will showcase how to create a multiplayer card game. You can get the template at the Scirra store : Contact me on Fiverr if yo...

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Expecto Patronum!
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Have you always wanted to feel like Harry Potter? In this Construct 3 example I show you how you can cast a Patronus magic! Get the Example here:

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Portal between layouts
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This Construct 3 tutorial shows you how to implement portals between layouts. You can get the full template for free at Contact me on Fiverr if you want further...

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The lerp function clearly explained
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This Construct 3 video tutorial will show you how to use the lerp function and explain exactly how it works. Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assistance...

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Creating a rifle scope using the drawing canvas
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This Construct 3 tutorial shows you in detail how to create a rifle scope on a blurry background using the drawing canvas. Get the free template at : Contact me...

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Creating a sudoku game in Construct 3
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This tutorial is about creating a sudoku game in Construct 3. You can pick up the template for this game at the Scirra store. Contact me on Fiverr if you want f...

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Mirror effect in water
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This Construct 3 tutorial shows how to get a mirror effect using the drawing canvas. Get the free template at this location : Contact me on Fiverr if you want f...

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Using nested timelines
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This short video tutorial shows you how to use nested timelines in Construct 3 using an easy to learn example. Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assistan...