Content tagged audio-analyser

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Construct Time #0 : Audio analyser example
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Example file publicly available (for free, for everyone) on my Patreon: This example was requested to me by toto_e, a fellow Construct user, and was inspired by...

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Audiopeaklevel comparision
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Can anyone help me to compare the Peak Level of audio , and based on level ..sprite should walk/jump.

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I was trying to create and audio visualizer where users can upload their own music via "File Chooser". However, "File Chooser" doesn't upload the file to the "M...

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How do I make something react to audio?
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I'm wondering how to make something reactive with audio. For example, size is dependent on how loud the audio is. So as audio is louder (usually at bass/beats)...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I send microphone audio via multiplayer?
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Hey guys, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to send microphone input via the multiplayer object. My intention is to create a rudimentary in-game voice cha...