

  • Download count647 total downloads
  • Latest download count 647 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

Android FullScreen

  • Actions

    is Supported

    Is this plugin supported?

    is Immersive Mode Supported

    Is immersive mode supported

    immersive Width

    The width of the screen in immersive mode

    immersive Height

    The height of the screen in immersive mode

    lean Mode

    Hide system UI until user interacts

    show SystemUI

    Show system UI

    show Under StatusBar

    Extend your app underneath the status bar Android 4.4+ only

    show Under System UI

    Extend your app underneath the system UI Android 4.4+ only

    immersive Mode

    Hide system UI and keep it hidden Android 4.4+ only

    Set FullScreen ({0}).

    Custom full screen mode

  • Conditions

    Is supported

    this is the description

    Is immersive mode supported

    this is the description

    Immersive width

    this is the description

    Immersive height

    this is the description

    Lean mode

    this is the description

    Show system ui

    this is the description

    Show under status bar

    this is the description

    Show under system ui

    this is the description

    Immersive mode

    this is the description

    Set system ui visibility

    this is the description


    this is the description

  • Expressions


    This is the expression description