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A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

1 SET Camera

  • Actions

    Start Camera Defaults ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}).

    All options stated are optional and will default to properties values.

    switch Camera

    Switch between the rear camera and front camera, if available.

    Stop camera

    this is the description


    Show the camera preview box.


    Hide the camera preview box.

    Set size to ({0}, {1}).

    Change the size of the preview window.

    Set zom to ({0}).

    Set the zoom level for the camera device currently started. zoomMultipler option accepts an integer. Zoom level is initially at 1

    Start Camera Costum ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}).

    All options stated are optional and will default to values.

    Set Tap to focus ({0}, {1}).

    Set specific focus point. Note, this assumes the camera is full-screen.

    Set exposure mode ({0}).

    Set the exposure mode for the camera device currently started. See EXPOSURE_MODE for details about the possible values for exposureMode.


  • Actions

    Take picture ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}).

    Take the picture. If width and height are not specified or are 0 it will use the defaults. If width and height are specified, it will choose a supported photo size that is closest to width and height specified and has closest aspect ratio to the preview. The argument quality defaults to 85 and specifies the quality/compression value: 0=max compression, 100=max quality.

    Take snapshot ({0}).

    Take snapshot of the camera preview. The resulting image will be the same size as specified in startCamera options. The argument quality defaults to 85 and specifies the quality/compression value: 0=max compression, 100=max quality.

    Set flash mode ({0}).

    Set the flash mode. See FLASH_MODE for details about the possible values for flashMode.

    Set record video ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}).

    Start recording video to the cache. Currently this feature is for Android only

    Stop record video ({0}).

    Stop recording video and return video file path

  • Conditions

    On Start recor dvideo

    cb success

    On Stop record video

    cb sucess


  • Actions

    Set color effect ({0}).

    Set the color effect. See COLOR_EFFECT for details about the possible values for colorEffect.

    Set white balance mode ({0}).

    Set the white balance mode for the camera device currently started. See WHITE_BALANCE_MODE for details about the possible values for whiteBalanceMode.

Group Get

  • Actions

    get Supported Focus Modes

    Get focus modes supported by the camera device currently started. Returns an array containing supported focus modes. See FOCUS_MODE for possible values that can be returned.

    get Focus Mode

    Get the focus mode for the camera device currently started. Returns a string representing the current focus mode.See FOCUS_MODE for possible values that can be returned.

    get Supported Flash Modes

    Get the flash modes supported by the camera device currently started. Returns an array containing supported flash modes. See FLASH_MODE for possible values that can be returned

    get Flash Mode

    Get the flash mode for the camera device currently started. Returns a string representing the current flash mode.See FLASH_MODE for possible values that can be returned

    get Horizontal FOV

    Get the Horizontal FOV for the camera device currently started. Returns a string of a float that is the FOV of the camera in Degrees.

On Callback

  • Conditions

    On Camera Start

    On Camera Start

    On Switch

    On Switch

    On Stop

    On Stop

    On Show

    On Show

    On Hide

    On Hide

    On Error

    On Error

    On Take picture

    Callback Successfully

    On Take snapshot


On Response

  • Conditions

    On Event Response

    this event Response

On Response