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Sold by lucid
5 Star icon 1 reviews
Last Update Apr 2023
50+ Total sales
79 favourites

A full Spriter-based Platformer engine for C2 or C3

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Requires Spriter Pro and a Construct license.

Games made with this engine have been tested and run very well as HTML5 games, stand alone apps for PC, and Android. At this time we've not yet found a viable method to successfully export the games as stand-alone IOS device apps. We aim to resolve this issue as soon as possible, but no estimate or guarantee can be given.

For Construct 3 users, this engine and the Spriter plug-in support the C3 runtime, so be sure the project is set to use it to benefit from the improved performance it offers


Completely customizable player physics.

Edit and add as many levels as you desire.

You can create auto-scrolling levels.

You can bodies of water for the player to swim in, tweak the player's in-water physics, and add water-based enemies for the player to vanquish.

Add fully customizable signs or non player characters anywhere in the levels.

Add variety to the size and behavior of the basic enemies provided, or clone and alter their attributes to create entirely new enemies for potentially endless variety.

The player character and boss are Spriter characters. Load up the provided projects in Spriter Pro and the graphics program of your choice and edit or completely change their appearance and style of movement.

You can clone the boss Spriter project and change it to make as many additional bosses you'd like, with completely different looks and behaviors.

Includes a loading screen, a Splash screen with a fully customizable Spriter made menu, a Save slot select screen, and an expandable sequential level select screen where each level is unlocked when the previous level is defeated. It includes several example levels to get you started.

Includes the art for 5 different environments.

Any number of sequential game start story screens and victory screens can be added as desired.

Buy With Confidence

Buy with us and we will refund 100% of the cost of the asset if it's non-functional or not as described and the author doesn't fix the issue for you in a timely manner.

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1 Reviews

  • simplegamer's avatar
    2 years ago

    No Instruction on How to Install Plugins

    No Instruction on How to Install Plug-Ins and No dedicated video on how to add levels and boss so that new user can easily modify the game. Also you need to buy the spriter pro aside from this template. Though the template is a good way to start learning creating a game if you are an expert.

    I'm updating my review after trying to browse youtube I found a video on how to customized the template. Though It could have been easier if they put a link on the tutorial and on how to install the plug-ins on the downloaded file. They also provided the link on the tutorial after i emailed them. My only problem now is that MuteTouch(Audio ON/OFF) is not working.

    I'm updating my review again. MuteTouch(Audio ON/OFF) works on actual device (Android) and Windows 10 browsers but not on the old windows 7.

    Also the support is prompt. Best support.

    1 of 1 users found this review helpful Was this review helpful?
    lucid's avatar
    Seller Reply
    2 years ago

    Thank you for the feedback. We updated the download to include a readme file with links to the necessary resources.

  • $16 USD
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    60% off
    Royalty Free use in unlimited commercial greater creative works.
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  • License
  • Compatibility
    Construct 2, Construct 3
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  • Latest Version
  • Latest Release Date
    13 Apr, 2023
  • Support


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simplegamer's avatar
2 years ago

No Instruction on How to Install Plugins

No Instruction on How to Install Plug-Ins and No dedicated video on how to add levels and boss so that new user can easily modify the game. Also you need to buy the spriter pro aside from this template. Though the template is a good way to start learning creating a game if you are an expert.

I'm updating my review after trying to browse youtube I found a video on how to customized the template. Though It could have been easier if they put a link on the tutorial and on how to install the plug-ins on the downloaded file. They also provided the link on the tutorial after i emailed them. My only problem now is that MuteTouch(Audio ON/OFF) is not working.

I'm updating my review again. MuteTouch(Audio ON/OFF) works on actual device (Android) and Windows 10 browsers but not on the old windows 7.

Also the support is prompt. Best support.

1 of 1 users found this review helpful Was this review helpful?
lucid's avatar
Seller Reply
2 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. We updated the download to include a readme file with links to the necessary resources.

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