wolfomat's Forum Posts

  • ....recently one of our games causes Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini devices to reboot.

    i have the memory-usage in suspicion, but with adb i couldn't get any usefull message.

    what else may can cause such a behaviour? debugging the app on the browser shows nothing critical, except for 300mb ram usage.

    thanks for your answers.

  • Hi there,

    i've got an image which is devided in three parts - they should wrap.

    When i'm moving them (seperatly or in a family) and they wrap, then they are out of allignment - distance between each other seems random.

    got anyone a good idea how to fix this?

    My task is to create an object (like a bucket with no bottom), where the there are two exits/entries and only the walls should have collision (the hitbox mechanik wont work because there is only one entry (like a bucket as it is in real, with a bottom).

    any ideas? thanks again

  • well a better way is to use the hitbox from the editor

  • hmm simple but good idea. thanks

  • yepp, roll trough itone is vertical (entry of the pipe), the other is horizontal

  • Hi there,

    i have two sprites: a ball sprite and a pipe sprite.

    on the ball is physics enabled: how can i determine if the ball is "in" the pipe (not half inside, i want it fully inside of the sprite)??

    Is this something with overlapping at offset? i didn't find any suitable information about the offset overlapping.

    thanks for any advice

  • Hi Scrirra Forum,

    i understand the concepts of physics - but i wonder why my "apply impulse" is not working.

    What i do:

    => Create an Physics Object with gravity = speed = 0.

    => when i press space, i set the gravity = 2, speed = 1, then i apply impulse X = 0, Y = 1000 (tested with -1000, too).

    The effect i wanted is, that the object gets an impulse - and moves along the Y axe very fast. but nothing happens?! why not, why is going wrong on this?^^

    Looking at the demoproject helped, i've overseen it:thanks.

  • Problem Description

    I'm using the browser plugin on Android 4.1.2 (samsung galaxy s3 Mini) in order to active the vibration on some events.

    Testing it with the cocoonJs launcher without compiling it via ludei-portal, i'll get the vibration.

    after compiling the apk and installing it, the vibration won't work.

    Happens with the latest construct2 version - 1.6.8

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Add a vibration action to your capX
    • compile it, install it
    • try to use it - wont work.

    Observed Result

    vibration just won't be active

    Expected Result


    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

  • sharing is caring.

    due to the good support and ideas i want to present my solution on this topic - all done with no extra plugins except for the Touch one and system events.

    the deal is, to detect a "real" shake.

    I'm using this import variables and constants(all other are just some mechanics for our game).


    • deltaX: absolute delta from old acceleration to the new acceleration (+ / - not needed, as we don't need to know which direction).
    • newAccelX: the current acceleration messured
    • oldAccelX: the after the group we preserver the "newAccel" to this var, in order to get a good delta
    • threshold: threshold is used for finetuneing. maybe you want to have an "aftershake"-effekt. to get a good value on this, you need to experiment a bit depending on your purpose.
    • SHAKESTATIC: determines the "hardness" of the shake. with a higher value you will need to shake harder

    Note that this is only for the X-Accelormeter, which is enough. i didn't expermine with Y/Z on this, but it's working as intended. so no need to add Y/Z.

    you may notice the else block: there's a 0.8 seconds delay, which is another delay for an aftershake effect. its mostly used to play the "end"-shake value.

    when the game is on the store, i'll notice you, so you can imagine a better way for what this whole thing is used.

    just see the image for full details on that shaking.

  • hello construct2 fellas,

    i want to detect if the user is "shaking" the mobile device, like for shaking cards.

    Using the accelormeter built it wont work, because if hold the mobile device for example at 45degrees on the X-axe, the X-acceloremeter just keeps its current value.

    Is there a build in function to get the delta? Otherwise i'd maybe write my own plugin or script to detect it with acceloremeterDeltaX and some threshold value - or does there exist such an event? well, thanks

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  • This is great

    Except for: "....and call the shake action on that".

    i don't know what to do on this point - i simply don't understand it 100%:

    what i maybe understand is, that i need to to call "it" (exactly what?) on the action, which defines the shake?? (which i already defined)

    =>> okay, i found it out myself. just as you said. just define the action on the event you defined for shaking (select the object with the scrollTo Behaviour and you'll see it ^^)

    but now i have another problem: i center the image with scrollTo... but now my whole images aren't centered -> they are moved

    and the solution: as i though, i just centered the image the wrong way (it wasn't centered at all) ;D

  • works perfeclty, thanks alot

  • hi there,

    i am using the bound to layout -> when i am dragging the object (it got an drag and drop behaviour) it wont go outside the left side and top, which is intended.

    But when i drag it to right side and bottom, the object will go out of the layout => and i am not sure how to solve this problem

    regarding to the manual the behaviour "bound to layout" it preserves the object to leave the layout. hm, any ideas?

  • thanks LittleStain and shirokuma - the drag and drop behaviours is exactly that what i was looking for!!!

    It works just as intended right now - perfect!

  • thanks for your reply shirokuma, it looks really smooth and nice as an alternative to what i am looking for.

    what i am looking for is, that i don't want the object to move to center of the touch so when i touch the object on the bottom left and i move my finger/mouse, then the object should be moved from this touching point and no translation to center on touch - you get the idea? (i still think my explainations are not that good, sorry^^)