saintfreak's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • That spawns on random coordinates for each turn of the game ?

    And system accepts its origin point as origin point for each turn .

    Also ( thats the most hard one for me ) how is that plus sign will always fits to the all screen. Should it be infite plus sign to fit always ?

  • it can't. if it's a server side turn based game, server works only as much as players (1 per current turn) pushes data up on server.

    unless you have a huuuuuge amount of players at the same time, then you're pretty much ok. if you do have ~1000 or more players pushing data onto server at the same time (ending their turn) this could slow things down. still you would have to do this - make asycn calls to database so they are queued up for processing, and since servers can easily process ~1000 connections at once, they will be processed in a matter of minute / two /etc.. other players wait until they have the turn. it can take that minute two or more since they don't know when really the other player is done, and through pings on database you should check turns.

    also if someone DC-s, make it a permanent DC and make sure when it's that players turn, to automatically skip it.

    Thanks for the reply !

    What if we make peer to peer system to peer = host system ?

    I mean if i use my computer as a server , and keep it open always , can it handle the server mission completely ?

    So there won't be any troubles if anyone leaves ?

    It's like peer(server = my computer) to peers.

    A stable peer done all the work so if players disconnect or else it wont change the games current play.

  • And i've got one more question.

    What if host ( the player server ) disconnects from the game ?

    Is game going to be end or others can continue the game without any problems.

    You know todays there are a lot of rage quit'ters. lol

  • I'm about to finish my turn based strategy game , but just want to be sure that multiplayer option works.

    I mean of course it works but i want to know that in 1 game there will be 12 players , so can it make the server rough times ?

    Or are there might be any packet loss or some delay issues ?

  • Can you give an example of some the texts on your layout, a sample of what a player can input, and which of your texts would count as "nearest"?

    Its multiplayer.

    Each player guesses the numbers .

    The numbers that they gonna guess is not well known , they should make predictions to guess them.

    players can only input the numbers , nothing more.

    There is a fixed point just known by the game , and which players prediction is close he won.

  • I am trying to do that inputs are compared with the texts on the layout .

    When players enters an input , selects the most nearest value to the text value.

  • I added keyboard input , but there is no total explanation on the keyboard properties on the left side of the screen ?

  • you can try setting up a textbox object and then do every tick - set textbox to sprite.X & "," & sprite.Y

    That would make your texbox to look like 46,46 on the screen if the sprite x position is at 46 and the y position is at 46

    Although you could just as easily go into debugger menu and pause and then click on the object in the left and there is a property you can look at its X,Y.

    Why would you need to know how to find out a newly created object's X/Y position ?

    I want to figure it out. I mean, how is C2's brain working like ?

    How is C2 gives random coordinates.

  • Random coordinates that system creates sprites.

    I just want to know the coordinates where sprites is createn randomly by system.

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  • I would think the easiest way to do this would be to have an invisible solid sprite at the same position as the player (for sprites to bounce off when you're not looking) and then edit the collision polygon of the player character to only be on the 'facing side'. If that makes sense. No idea how well that would work but that's what I'd try.

    Thank you !

    I tried and it worked.

  • when my character's face direction look toward to sprite's moving direction, collision will occur and we get the point.

    When my character direction is not looking to sprites direction, sprite will just bounce from our character.

  • 11 posts