mrvie's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Is that lambo from GTA 1?

  • And here i miss a deal again. I should really watch this forum more often!

  • I have been looking on this forum, and i have been looking on youtube this whole weekend and found 2 tutorials which i tried to get some space movement.

    However both seem to partially do what i want. One goes really slow in movement, however when i change the movement speed in the events the space ship just stops and does nothing. The other one seems to go in circles like its stuck on a pole.

    Now i am stuck on this, and i really hate to ask for help on something as basic as this. But my mind just got blank and i hope you guys can help me out on something that looks like solar jetman. Or have a check on my capx, and telling me what is wrong.

  • Hi,

    I have a huge image that i want to use in the game. The picture looks like a big tunnel that goes everywhere, and what i want to do is make the player move inside this tunnel while the rest functions as a wall.

    The image looks like the walls from the nes game solar jetman.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi guys,

    I have used the search menu and i found some awnsers but sadly got some questions about it again.

    1) i wanted to know if its possible to do a day and night cycle where the sprites will become darker at a certain time. Now i did see someone suggesting to use something like a black mask, however someone else was talking about a GL plugin, any news about this one?

    2) i have read it a millions of time that a mmo is not possible, and i am not gonna ask the same thing, just so i can avoid a blue eye <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. But just standard multiplayer and a multiplatform? Or does it really go trough HTML 5? if so, then i already know my awnser.

    3) Is a social media login possible?

  • Well, it seems that for some reason, my photo is my avatar. Oh well, atleast i dont have to hide who i am.

  • Hi guys,

    i think i should be in this section for this question. I wonder what the sprite sizes are by this game "Streets of Rage Remake"

    Everything seems to fit so well into place by this game

  • If you are willing to cover the cost of a copy of Construct 2 I am more than willing to do my best to develop your games. I am also willing to negotiate receiving a lower percentage of the profits than 50.

    Now that sounds like a good deal to me! If i was working on a commercial title, i would have taken your offer.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • I loved the game! its very simple and the steering is just right. I Always stop a game when the handeling isnt good.

    What i do miss is sound. That would have been great!

  • just try it. You wont know unless you have tried it right?

  • 1) They are working multiplayer implementation for next new version, i think it's possible for 8 players.

    2) Yes, but you need to add Touch event that you let iDevices users can control

    3) This is proof it went like 100 players, some weeks ago.

    100 players is more then enough! Thats perfect to know! Thanks alot! Very usefull information to know!

  • hi guys,

    I have been wondering a couple of things:

    1) Can construct2 do a multiplayer of lets say 8 players?

    2) Can you do a (online) multiplayer game with multi platform? So one plays with iphone and the other can play with the pc?

    3) I read different things on the forums, saying a massive multiplayer online is not possible, and some say it is. What is massive online? Is 100 players too massive? or 1.000 players mmo? What numbers are we looking at?

    Thank you!

  • 15 posts