Mimiste's Forum Posts

  • Hey! This is aWeSoMe!

    Thanks a lot for this plugin! I have to use the pay pal donate link ! ^^ !

    Glad it suits your needs! Don't hesitate if you have any problems with it and of course you're welcome to use this link

  • Hello Mimiste, thanks for this great contribution, I want to ask you if the plugin is working well in the latest version of construct 2 (Release 250) and Scorm?



    I didn't tried but I see no reason why it should not work

  • Please, forget the previous post. I would delete it but I prefer to keep it here to show you the troubles I found until have something working on. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    Now I think I have something almost done. I could not show the demonstration in time, but I got one more day to finish it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    These are the last questions I think I have:

    - What are the XSD files?

    - How can I check if the SCORM server saves the answers and where is it? How can I recover them?

    - The client has a SCORM which was built using this solution (https://scorm.com/scorm-explained/). Am I going to need some information about the SCORM server from theirs?

    - How can I define the "Completion" status of the course? (we have this option in the course sandbox)

    - How can I include some points on the score?


    • What are the XSD files?

    These files need to be included in a scorm 2004 module

    • How can I check if the SCORM server saves the answers and where is it? How can I recover them?

    On scorm cloud you can see attempts logs. If you click the log you can see values passed and you should see the suspend data field with the form json

    • The client has a SCORM which was built using this solution (https://scorm.com/scorm-explained/). Am I going to need some information about the SCORM server from theirs?

    Well, there are several server out there but the most common is Moodle because it's free and open source

    • How can I define the "Completion" status of the course? (we have this option in the course sandbox)

    Here is the complete list of existing fields in scorm

    https://scorm.com/scorm-explained/techn ... -reference

    For the completion status you have to set the cmi.completion_status to "completed"

    • How can I include some points on the score?

    You have to set 3 fields

    Cmi.score.min (the minimum possible score, often 0)

    Cmi.score.max (the maximum possible score)

    Cmi.score.raw (the actual score of the learner)

  • >

    > Here is a capx


    > https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouv5nwvjso6ty ... M.zip?dl=0


    > I modified my example to include two form and a list

    > When you submit, it create a JSON and send the json in the suspend_data field of scorm


    Thanks, Mimiste.

    Unfortunately, I did not find the capx file. Did you send it?

    In regard to these files, I will need to publish them in a SCORM server to check this out, right?

    Yes it was the exported zip, here is the capx, my mistake <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/oczzxhntjlvv1 ... .capx?dl=0

    Try it on : https://cloud.scorm.com

    It's a free LMS server, with debug features, to test your content. If it works here, it should work everywhere.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • >


    > I think he mean that the game can be uploaded on a LMS without error.


    > As a start, you should use the example I provided for the construct 2 version. I think the capx should open in construct 3.

    > Just check in this example how I connect and send data to the SCORM model.


    > That's pretty complicated to understand all this in only two hours I admit


    No problem. I don't want to understand everything right now. I just need to create a simple form with 3 fields (2 textbox entries and a drop-down menu list). I saw the example you indicated and I didn't understand how to send the answers instead of the "passed or failed" information. Please, feel free to help only if you can.

    Here is a capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouv5nwvjso6ty ... M.zip?dl=0

    I modified my example to include two form and a list

    When you submit, it create a JSON and send the json in the suspend_data field of scorm

  • >


    > Hello


    > Just to be certain, why do you want to use SCORM for your form ? Is it requested by your client ? SCORM is really focused for the e-learning, it's made to track the progression of a learner in a lesson for example.


    > By the way it's still possible to store a form in the scorm database model. There is one field where you can write anything you want : the "cmi.suspend_data" field.

    > It's limited to 4000 characters in the scorm 1.2 version so I recommend to use the scorm 2004 version.


    > What I would do technically :

    > When you click the "submit" button of your form, I would create some kind of json with every data of the form.

    > Optionnaly, I would convert the json string to base64 to eliminate errors regarding escaping, encoding...

    > Then I would store it in the "cmi.suspend_data" field


    > If you need more details, dont hesitate to ask


    Thanks for answering.

    The client is asking me to create a form with SCORM. The learners will use this form to simulate a requisition form used by the company. This form will have text fields and drop-down list menus and we don't need to check the answers. We just need to check if the user answers all the questions and to get these answers and save them with the SCORM. Does it make sense? As I said before I don't understand anything about SCORM and I need to make a really simple demonstration in 2 hours. I would really appreciate if you could show me a simple example.

    Edited: I forgot to say that the client used a term to refer to the SCORM. He said exactly this: All the forms need to be checked and confirmed as "SCORM compliant". Do you know this term? What did he mean with this?

    I think he mean that the game can be uploaded on a LMS without error.

    As a start, you should use the example I provided for the construct 2 version. I think the capx should open in construct 3.

    Just check in this example how I connect and send data to the SCORM model.

    That's pretty complicated to understand all this in only two hours I admit

  • > Hello


    > I updated my first post with the new Construct 3 Version


    Hi Mimiste

    I need to create a simple form to demonstrate the SCORM feature in the C3 to a possible client and I need some help to use your plugin. I don't know anything about SCORM. In this form, all of the fields will have to have an input. For the open text fields, it could be any alphanumeric text and for the drop-down menus, it would be one of the options listed. I intend to use C3 to create a very simple form with 3 fields: two text box and a drop-down menu.

    Could you help me with this? If I get this job I intend to pay for this plugin (or make a donation if you prefer).

    Thanks in advance.


    Just to be certain, why do you want to use SCORM for your form ? Is it requested by your client ? SCORM is really focused for the e-learning, it's made to track the progression of a learner in a lesson for example.

    By the way it's still possible to store a form in the scorm database model. There is one field where you can write anything you want : the "cmi.suspend_data" field.

    It's limited to 4000 characters in the scorm 1.2 version so I recommend to use the scorm 2004 version.

    What I would do technically :

    When you click the "submit" button of your form, I would create some kind of json with every data of the form.

    Optionnaly, I would convert the json string to base64 to eliminate errors regarding escaping, encoding...

    Then I would store it in the "cmi.suspend_data" field

    If you need more details, dont hesitate to ask

  • Hello,

    Through the scorm, how can I show the status: completed, to identify if the user has already seen the entire virtual course?

    In our platform you must register if the user has already seen the whole lesson.


    I don't know if I understood your question but basically if your lesson is composed of multiple scorm modules, every modules have to send the cmi.completion_status to "completed".

  • Hi Mimiste and first of all, thank you so much for this fantastic plugin that helps Construct to be even better !

    I have one question though, I'm a bit confused on how to retrieve the lesson location value.

    At the start of my layout, I use these actions :

    - Set LMS Value "cmi.core.lesson_location" - "L1Page1" (L stands for Lesson)

    - Do LMS Commit

    (I hope this is the right syntax.) So if the player leaves the lesson here, the LMS will record it.

    But I am wondering how to retrieve this same value at start of the layout when the player reopens the lesson.

    If I use the action ScormC2 => Set LMS Value, it opens a window with 2 input zones :

    Name : Here I think I have to input : ScormC2.getLMSValue("cmi.core.lesson_location")

    Value : I don't know what to input in here ... Do I have to search for the value "L1Page1" I input earlier ? If so, I would have to test each value for each page, that would be tedious ...


    You can do something like that :

    At the start of the layout, I set the variable LessonLocation to ScormC2.getLMSValue("cmi.core.lesson_location")

    Then you can check if the variable LessonLocation is empty or not and open the right lesson

  • Thanks, I like working with C2, and these plugins help a lot.

    You're welcome

  • Hello

    I updated my first post with the new Construct 3 Version

  • Hello

    I'm actually trying to create a C3 Addon

    I'm probably doing something wrong because I can't even install it in Construct 3 : "failed to install the addon" error.

    No error in the chrome console, just nothing except this message.

    I zipped the files and not the folder itself.

    What should I start searching for ?

  • This wonderful! Thank you so much, it opens up creating really engaging e-learning with gamification and funification!

    Any chance of converting to Construct 3 plugin format?

    Also....It would be cool to directly integrate Construct apps into Moodle (a widely used Learning Management System) without going via a SCORM integration.

    Hello and thank you

    Yes I'm planning to convert this module to the construct 3 format

    (Didn't tried construct 3 yet so I don't really know what is different) but I think that could be done in the next weeks

    For Moodle that's a different thing but that could be a good plugin idea

  • Cool behavior, donated.

    Thanks, glad that it helped

    Thanks for this, maybe it will be useful to me in the future.

    A note:

    [quote:p73m59h0]Link to the plugin

    -> Link to the behavior

    That's the result of a bad copy paste

  • Hello

    A new behavior to make the character follow accurately the ground angle with the default platform behavior.

    It also work with the PlatformPlus behavior by hazneliel.

    Default platform behavior

    With Ground Follow

    Dont forget it's a behavior, not a plugin.

    Copy the folder in

    <install path>\exporters\html5\behaviors

    Link to the behavior

    Link to the github project

    If this helped you achieving what you wanted, you can support my work by donating.

    Paypal Link for Donation
