lo7s's Forum Posts

  • THX A LOT MIPEY !!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley42.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Anyway Thx for tips Mipey and 5Type.

  • still waiting for tips! Expression choose(1,2,4) excluding current frame doesn't work it still duplicates 1,2 or 4 .I'm trying to do something to exclude frame 1,2,4 after its chosen, drawn.It choose one of those numbers,but it can choose the same number many times I want the same number to be chosen only once so it can't duplicate.

  • Seems that my game its messed up .I'm newbie I tried to make the deck and so with array but idk how to place a frame into an array and so.Seems like array can help me as it has a pop option to eliminate one element .I think i can use that like random placing frames or sprites in the array the draw the from card from array with pop fron after that.

    I need some help with the array, if some1 can explain how to make that I would be really GRATEFUL.

  • Hi I have a problem at a card game.At dealing i made set animation frame at Random(0,Card.AnimationFrameCount),but the frames are repeating idk why.

    Its like I draw the 1st 5 cards and some are copies like 2Q or 2Ace that are exactly the same heart or leaf ..... and I don't wanna have that in my hand coz the deck has no copies idk how to eliminate frame after the card with that frame its drawn pls help or tell me a way to draw cards without duplicates.

    Happy New Year 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • How do i remove the object drawn from the array? To make the object drawn unable to be drawn again.

  • Can some1 tell me a method to create a deck of cards where cards are sprites not frames. I also wanna know how can i make the drawing system ,Hand of cards and how to make cards once drawn unable to be drawn again ,like if i draw a 4 of hearth it would be eliminated from the deck.

    I'm pretty much a begginer but pls don't give me links of the randomizearray and cardmatch game tutorials already seen them.

    THX FOR Help!

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  • The custom deck plugin makes thinks lot more easiest and helps u to simply customize the decks .Also I blocked at card drawing events ,I made the array randomize deck tutorial way of drawing cards but its bugged for some reason.

  • The CC custom deck plugin: scirra.com/forum/plugin-custom-deck_topic54934.html. Would be awesome is someone can make one like it for C2. If someone manage to please share it to all Construct 2 users. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hint : if i reinstall cc run layout works ,than if i make any change on layout it doesn't. What may be the problem ?

  • PLS HELP I CAN't RUN LAYOUT.IDK why Can some1 tell me any reasons i can't run layout? it may be the phyton26.dll the problem idk pls help!.Operating System : Windows 7.CC r2

  • Sry but i can't make a topic with the requiered settings = access denied.

    When write url in URLtext.box and button clicked nothink happenes,it should change the selected image to the image with the URL wrote in URLtext box.All browsers are affected, windows 7 sp2 ,c2 r120 beta.

    Here is the capx dropbox.com/s/pz6emnwmcuezwje/CardMaker.capx



  • How can i make the list items work like buttons ?

  • i'm looking for tips.But if there is some1 that can easily make a fast capx I would be delighted.

  • I wanna make a cardmaker like :http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/.I'm interested in :

    *how the text creating works

    *how to make the image upload system

    *how to make the created card savable

    PLS HELP i'm a beginner I would be delighted if you can give me a capx