Any one of you if want to add your html5 game at just send the name of the game with and a link to a demo and we will really soon contact you back.
Contact Us at : or
Thanks Little Stain , But Thats not what I want , I meant where the mouse goes the player follows it without any click
Any one of you if want to add your html5 game at just send the name of the game with and a link to a demo and we will really soon contact you back.
Contact Us at :
I want to move my player in a way that where the mouse goes it should follow it so How can I do it?
thanks alot!
How can i add or action in c2 or is there any other way to add random actions.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
thanks and hope it would be simple
Can any body help me how to invite friends using Facebook plugin?
nopes , thanks for that hint
Thanks Samback
Hey guys!
check out my latest game.
Oh! Birdi on Scirra Arcade :
Oh! Birdi on Kongregate :
Oh! Birdi on Newgrounds :
Reviews , comments , likes , and votes are very appreciated.
Can I change the icon of my exported nodewebkit .exe file?
I had made 2 games yet. I made it for touch ( mobiles .There wer no bugs in the pc but after i made a apk and run them in my android tab it was totaly filled with bugs.
Really really help wanted.