Thanks that's very helpful.
when up botton is pressed characters walks up. when down button is pressed character walks down. when right button is pressed characters walks right. when left button is pressed character walks left.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
hello , how do i make my character to have a trail like this ( prntscr.com/e3jie7 ) the trail doesnt fade in the end. and whenever i move the character the trail is infinite and spawns another line.
Does anyone have a tool to make a simple stickman animations like this one prntscr.com/dvvnz3 ?
is there any tutorial in youtube to make a game like this goo.gl/aG2dRU ? it would be very helpful
so my game has 2 balls as character i used pin behavior and a stick to get them togother just like Duet mobile game. now i dont know how to make a character select page ? and how to add more characters like that ? is it possible ?
just fixed , i had done a mistake with pin behavior
rotation speed of an object is 20 but it increases during time goo.gl/TOrkmU , it goes super fast. how to fix this.
So this is my character : goo.gl/aIN0qd ( 2 white balls, i circled them with a red line )
but i have a problem with collision shape. i want to cover only 2 balls not the space between them ? any solution ?
like subway surfer , the road has 3 paths , i want the character to move right when swipe right and left when swipe left.
how to make character place an ice block like this which lasts for 10 seconds and then gets destroyed ?