colben22's Forum Posts

  • Would this work if i wanted to loop through two arrays of the same size if i made another for each element for the 2nd array?

    Im not at my comp now but i believe its being called with a funcrion trigger

  • I have an array filled with text, or values that are not 0

    I am trying to print them int a text box to make sure they are filling correctly.

    I have

    Array for each XYZ element

    Array current value (notequal) 0 => Textbox Append Array.CurValue

    It just seems to be infinitely printing the data. Am I missing a condition?

  • From what it seems using a function wont even help me because the code will not go back to where it left off before after the function has been called

  • How come when I call a function I cant have an event under it with the "on tap" gesture?

    My scenario is double tapping a weapon and calls a function to make a window that says "are you sure" with 2 objects for yes and no, each one does something different. But inside of the function where the window is created I can not add "On tap gesture" so I can not get it to work inside the function.

  • Haha, I didnt know I could tag you. I tried to message you but it wouldnt let me. I have class all day so I cant make a capx until later.

    But til then; I have a bunch of objects on the screen as weapons. When a player clicks a 1h weapon it calls one function, 2h a different one, and an off hand another function. I need this because they all will check for different array values if there is a weapon already or not etc. So a 2h cant be paired with a 1h. The problem I am getting is that inside the events of a called function I cant use

    "On tap gesture" it changes to "is touching" and that definitely doesnt work for what I need because the menu is destroyed and the code moves on.

    I didnt want to hard "Code" each individual menu exiting commands in their creation but it seems like Ill have to since I cant use the correct touching condition while in a function.

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  • Hey coadh I have a question for you if you have time.

    I am using functions to call different "Are you sure menus"

    The problem I am running into is I can call a function to create the menu; but the function its self cant be used to determine what object is pushed in that menu. So if I have multiple or different values for the "no" button it will cycle through the code using each no until one causes it not to work. Is there a way I can I can make a specific portion work?

  • I guess I am not sure what you mean by print out. I use a browser to look at the values. Is there a better way to look at out outs?

  • WHat do you mean?

  • Youre a life saver, i literally spent an hour and half messing with that. I was about to rage quit and go to bed

  • I know it is is a mess; but my events on are on page 3. The situation I am worried with is at the bottom and has to do with the OYes. When that is pushed I need to make comparisons to know what player number is being saved. I have many different variables for it; but my comparisons arent working. I cant get anything to compare with CharComp1 period; but if I hardcode VarChar= "rogue" it works. But I really need

    VarChar = CharComp1

    This would tell me the character being used for selection is the first player so I can supply the selected items in the right array values.

  • If I change the system to manually trigger it by picking the character I know it will be; I can only get it to trigger if I set VarChar to my character.


    VarChar = "Rogue"

    Works but

    CharComp1 = "Rogue"

    Does not.

    Debug shows CharComp1 to have "Rogue" for its value but it doesnt condition.

  • I am not sure what I am doing wrong here; I am trying to get an event to trigger when an object is pressed but only if these 2 variables with strings match.

    Touch => on tap [object]

    System => CharComp1 = VarChar => Sat array value

    In the debug the variables are showing the same strings; I dont what would be causing it to not trigger. Is there a different way to format this? Do I need quotes?

  • I am making an equipment selection menu and I need to be able to call a group of events to re execute after an item is selected. Is there a way to do this without restarting the layout?

  • I cant seem to get it to work; the animation is just going through all the animations. I have my condition set to only if the 2 array values are equal. Then I use "Set animation frame to Zweapons.CurValue.

    Even if I set it to frame 1; it still just cycles through the animations

  • I am cross referencing 2 arrays; if the arrays values are equal I want to create an object that is equal within the arrays. Construct only allows me to create an object by actually picking a specific image/file for the object. Is there anyway I could use the string that is cross referenced as a string to create an object?

    Like if "sword" was the cross referenced item, I could create an object using "sword" for the jpg?