Alpaca's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Sorry forgot to say it, I solved my problem...thanks a lot for your help!!

  • maybe I don't understand something...but download latest beta and open it illegal to download beta or what?

    My bad, I didn't know it was a beta version. It's perfect! Thanks a lot, I love you <3

  • try this

    hope it helps

    edit: update cpax so now stops moving sprite if camera reach end of level

    Ugh the last free version is 108.2...

  • I'm trying that the "Enemy3" (red bee) spreadshot every X seconds but I have some problems with the angles...

    I know I have to create the bullet on Enemy3.ImagepointX and Y then set the angle (player.angle) just like I did with the spawn. But how do I let him shoot in three ways? Like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Here is my project

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I have a little problem with the "Vida 100/100" how do I lock it so it doesn't dissapear?

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  • You could always make him static and make everything else move to the left <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Yeah that's kinda my idea, but how do I let the background move to the left?

  • Bump, there's gotta be a way to force my character to go constantly to the right ;_;

  • How do I let the character constantly moving forward? Just like this game

    Here is my project

  • Well, first things first. Your background is a solid purple, so no movement would be noticeable.

    You can achieve movement in two ways.

    1. Make the player constantly move forwards and keep the window scrolling with it. Either via ScrollTo, MagiCam or just hardcoding it with events.

    2. Keep the player stationary (like your capx is currently set up) and move the background instead. This is more similar to how older games do things.

    Either one has pro's and con's, use whichever you're most comfortable with. After you've decided which way to go it's simply a matter of doing your homework.

    Yeah the second one is what i want to do. Thanks, i'll do a little research...

  • I don't understand your question. Seems like the game is working fine

    It is working fine, but I want that the image as background moves automatically just like this game

  • How do I let the screen constantly moving forward? I think it's something related with the parallax but i'm not really sure.

    Here's my project

    Thanks :D

  • Wow, I really had NO idea...

    Thanks a lot :)

  • How exactly do I enable that option? I thought it was with the "scroll to" behavior but it doesn't seem to work

  • This is my first time creating a game with this program, so I want to start with something "simple" like a space shooter.

    I want the spaceship to move freely (got this) but it doesn't feel like a spaceship, because every time I press left the spaceship actually looks that way (I want it to ALWAYS look to the right so it can shoot)

    Is there any way to "lock" that? Or a similar game where I can get an idea.

    Thanks a lot

  • 13 posts