suggestions platform: My account needs review

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  • Ashley I always have to go through a review process when I submit a new suggestion. And I've noticed that if I edit a previously submitted suggestion, it also goes through the review process and the link disappears until it's approved.

    This situation has been going on for 2 months, I remember that he had been working normally before and did not need to enter review. I wonder if my account triggers some spam mechanism of the platform, because I still see new suggestions being posted on the suggestion platform.

    PS. Although I think the number of suggestions on the platform is enough, it is time to limit it. At present, there are more than 320 entries in total. Even if you can complete one in 2 days, it will be impossible to complete it next year, haha..

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  • Sorry for the delay, I just went through the spam folder and approved some items so it should all be reviewed now.

    PS. Although I think the number of suggestions on the platform is enough, it is time to limit it.

    Heh, that's always been a problem with the suggestions platform - we get far, far more suggestions than we can conceivably do. I think the high end of what we can do is around one a week, so that would mean there's over 6 year's work already submitted just this year alone. I don't think limiting submissions helps, as it's possible a new submission could still be a good idea and get highly voted. I think it's best for people just to focus on only the really essential and more feasible ideas.

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