The new hot pink text color is pretty harsh on my eyes. The previous green color was better. Maybe as a compromise a setting could be added to the user profile to let users use a different color if they so choose?
There is slightly less pink in dark mode lol
Feel the same with new intense pink-magenta color burst.
Yes please, I have sensitive eyes and the pink is hurting quite a lot. You could add on the profile settings the option to choose the old theme as it was perfect and we were already used to it.
the pink hurts my eyes
Indeed, actual pain. Not due to the aesthetics (pink being broadly disliked by the masses either way), but because it's a rather harsh contrast especially in dark mode.
Hope we can get a color swap, revert, or at least some contrast tweaks.
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In an effort to get rid of the pink I made a css file to change the color in as many areas as I could.
Tested as working on:
iOS Safari using Userscripts extension.
Windows Chrome using "User Javascript and CSS" extension.
Other browsers likely has extensions where you can inject user css too.
I recommend hiding the Tagged list to reduce the larger area of pink.
.tagOuterWrap { display: none; }
Awesome Rojoh!
Working great here on (Windows + Chrome)
Thank you))
Awesome Rojoh! Working great here on (Windows + Chrome) Thank you))
Glad it worked. Just updated the css file to replace most of the pink icons on the forum as well. If you want a different color you'd have to edit each one.
Oh wow didn't knew they have this type of thing.. im just using #fff for span,li and a in css looks decents, just a few elements in pink, rest contrast wise easy to read on black background, i only use dark mode. i don't like the all white thing, is way to luminous for me...
I use Dark Reader chrome extension, helps a lot.