As the topic says... been like this for two days now. I thought it was me at first but every other page I go to works fast. Even the main works fast. It just seems to be anything in the Forums area.
Thanks for the report. We're aware of this, trying to investigate the cause which we're not too sure of.
Forum seems to work pretty fast for me. Then again I have a higher end computer.
Computer speed has nothing to do with it. The server that hosts this forum is being bogged down for some reason. Or was a few days ago. Working great now.
I thought it was just my computer that had a problem. Seems to be back to normal this morning.
I'm having issues too...
Yes, its slowing down again tonight. Had permission errors when I tried to post a new forum thread. Second try it worked.
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It's not just slow, it's almost unusable.
Very, very frustrating.
Happening again now.