Parallax Backgrounds (Templates)

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Fruit Slicer Template & Quality fruit and slice graphics (c3p,png,illustrator files)
  • Parallax Backgrounds — Now for sale in the Scirra Store! ... ounds-1289

    If you've already tried creating a nice parallax effect for a side-scrolling game, you know how much pain it is!

    You have to figure out how to position your backgrounds/foregrounds correctly, how to apply parallax effects from the bottom of the layout (floating mountains? Been there!), how to make backgrounds wrap around the layout as the player scrolls in a random direction, and most of the time you will rage-quit after dealing with lots of layers, each with its own parallax value.

    Using this template, you can get a nice parallax effect for your game in no time. Just follow the instructions inside the template, I made sure they are as clear and as simple as possible.

    For questions or bug-reports, please contact me at or post a reply in the forum thread for this product. Thank You!


    • Easily implementable parallax backgrounds that wrap around your layout!
    • You have full control over your backgrounds, they stay exactly where you place them in the editor, no matter how big your screen or layout is!
    • Backgrounds fully adapt to your screen size, zoom, or layout size. Everything stays smooth no matter what you do to your viewport!
    • Ideal for side-scrolling games such as platformers, infinite runners, shooters, � etc.
    • Fully commented capx with detailed guide for painless integration in your project

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Parallax Backgrounds

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  • I just published the first update for this template :

    • Now you can add Sprites as parallax objects, they can move or be animated, and they will wrap around the screen
    • A new demo layout with backgrounds and foregrounds, all moving with a nice parallax effect, check out the video here :
    • A detailed manual on how to easily include parallax backgrounds/foregrounds in your game

    Never again bother trying to create parallax backgrounds on your own. With the help of this template, your infinite runner, platformer, shooter or other kind of side-scrolling game will have nice backgrounds that wrap around the screen indefinitely. Just follow the instructions in the manual and you'll be all set in no time!

    Enjoy the template and if you have any questions before or after your purchase feel free to contact me at

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