Industrial Tileset 1 (Tilemaps)

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From the Asset Store
Huge Collection Of Platformers Game Assets (Tilesets, props, etc)
  • Industrial Tileset 1 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>The first installment of industrial-themed tilesets for use in your platformer! 16x16, 32x32, and 64x64 tiles included.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Industrial Tileset 1

  • Now this is awesome Not a bad price either. Wish it had a few more parts but overall excellent!

  • Thanks, Apox! I'm going to update that 1st tileset with about 7 more tiles as a free update tonight. I thought of a few more tiles to add, like a ladder and maybe a button or switch in two states (up and down / on and off), perhaps a crate or other obstacle / breakable. I'm looking for any suggestions and I'll be happy to try and include them in this update.

    Thanks again!

  • togamario I can echo 's statement; that's a nice tile-set and for a nice price, too. Hope it sells well for you, .

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  • Thanks, Apox! I'm going to update that 1st tileset with about 7 more tiles as a free update tonight. I thought of a few more tiles to add, like a ladder and maybe a button or switch in two states (up and down / on and off), perhaps a crate or other obstacle / breakable. I'm looking for any suggestions and I'll be happy to try and include them in this update.

    Thanks again!

    togamario No problem man! You were thinking of the same things I was haha

  • Just a quick update: I added a set of ladder tiles and some rudimentary (very) dark background tiles, to make the set more cohesive. Ever since this morning, I've had a lot of ideas that make more sense to put in their own separate sets. I'd like to keep the pricing similar or cheaper for the coming content. And I may revisit this one eventually to add some simple things like hazards, switches, pick ups, or other misc that might fit that "default grey" theme better than the other (more colorful) ones I started working on.

    Thanks, again, for checking it out!

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