Delta Missions Environment Art P (Spriter Animations)

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From the Asset Store
3 pixel charaters with over 8 animations each + animations with a gun
  • Delta Missions Environment Art P — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This art pack comes fully loaded with a large assortment of highly detailed and flexible images and tilesets to create the lush and beautiful yet imposing environments for your next side-scrolling action game.</p><p>4 unique environment themes, each offering an array of images for creating foreground, midground, and distance layers. Use in your favorite art program to customize freely.</p><p>This Environment Art Packs also includes several Spriter animated props per environment, for use directly through the scml plugin for Construct 2 for silky-smooth tweened animation playback, or you can export as full frame images or sprite-sheets at any scale and frame-rate.</p><p>The Art pack includes: </p><p>Each Spriter animated Object comes in 2 different perspectives</p><p>Each foreground tileset includes versions for each of the three common side-scrolling platformer perspective types)</p><p>All environment content comes in 3 different color schemes</p><p>Outdoor grassy environment:</p><p>31 images (moon, clouds, trees etc.)</p><p>2 Spriter animated objects (crate and electronic switch box).</p><p>3 Foreground tile-sets, an average of over 54 tiles.</p><p>Indoor bunker environment:</p><p>34 images (security cameras, gun racks, column segments etc.)</p><p>4 Spriter animated objects (crate, electronic switch box, and computer panels).</p><p>3 Foreground tile-sets, an average of over 48 tiles.</p><p>Indoor cave environment:</p><p>34 images (security cameras, gun racks, column segments etc.)</p><p>7 Spriter animated objects (waterfalls, crate, electronic switch box, and computer panels).</p><p>3 Foreground tile-sets, an average of over 60 tiles.</p><p>Outdoor mountain environment:</p><p>25 images (clouds, trees, mountain segments etc.)</p><p>1 Spriter animated objects (crate) in 2 different perspectives.</p><p>3 Foreground tile-sets, an average of over 90 tiles.</p><p>Misc:</p><p>A Spriter animated land-mine with disarmed, armed and exploding animation.</p><p>A collection of Spriter animated pick-up items like health, ammo, grenade etc.</p>

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