Dark Wizard Cartoon HD (Graphics)

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From the Asset Store
Great quality fruit and slice items (png+ illustrator files)
  • Dark Wizard Cartoon HD — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Famekrafts.com presents </p><p>Dark Wizard - 2D character in vector HD size</p><p>Wizard created in Flash for platformer/rpg games. </p><p>Complete Vector. </p><p>High Resolution PNG files with transparent BG. </p><p>Flash file provided with layers and movie clips. </p><p>Suitable for hero as well as enemy boss. </p><p>Complete Vector, Can be enlarged to any size. </p><p>High resolution png parts provided for spriter animation, with 2 spriter templates</p><p>*Adobe Flash is required to open the source fla files. </p><p>FREE GIFT </p><p>With every Game pack we create, we are giving something absolutely Free </p><p>It can be another asset, a complete game pack, 3D Printable model/s, a printable paper craft we created or a complete craft ebook. </p><p>GIFT for this pack is </p><p>1 Color Variation of the Wizard with source flash file</p><p>Find it in the free folder. </p><p>Contact us for any problems you face or demand for new asset packs. </p><p>Behance Portfolio: behance.net/Famekrafts </p><p>www.famekrafts.com</p>

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