Adding "About" page with a picture will be cool, visitors like to read the "About" page's.
Good idea.
> Adding "About" page with a picture will be cool, visitors like to read the "About" page's. > Good idea.
> Adding "About" page with a picture will be cool, visitors like to read the "About" page's.
I've updated the website, once again:
A0Nasser , but sorry, no pictures
Added "Have A Word?" feedback page
The footer is rearranged, again
Keep going Tetriser
Nice. Its good for people who dont want a big CMS or dont need one.
I use something similar from Jimdo. Only minimal ads for a great free website.
The website is updated once again:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Next update arrives:
New update:
It seems that no one else is looking on my website and give feedback.
Well for one, I would start including your site address in your sig otherwise people have to go to the first page of this thread to find the address. That might help you get some more traffic to it.
How about the globe icon on my mini-profile?
New update arrives! See the first post for the changelog.
beardedeagle - I've attached my website's URL into my signature, but still no one is giving feedback on this thread. Do you know why?