Web Storage Options?

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Basic Plugins for Firebase Authentication, Realtime-Database, Firestore, Cloud Storage
  • Hi guys! I've been playing with C2 for about a year and a half now, and I've gotten to the point to where I need to think about storage.

    I have a website through doteasy called havenisle.net. They're only giving me 100mb of storage, so it really puts a limit on how much I can use it.

    I have heard of people using other sites that offer storage, but somehow linking them to their original website. I was wondering if I could use a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or LiveDrive to put my capxs on instead of tacking them to my site.

    What do you guys use?

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  • You just need a place to store your capxs? not actual exported games?

    If so, then any of those services should be fine for your purposes.

    You used to could run exported html games from drive and dropbox, but that has changed recently.

  • You just need a place to store your capxs? not actual exported games?

    If so, then any of those services should be fine for your purposes.

    You used to could run exported html games from drive and dropbox, but that has changed recently.

    Wow! Thank you for the swift reply!

    I'm not worried about storage or backups - i have terabytes of hard drives just layin around. What I need is hosting, I guess. For example...

    Here's a build I tacked onto the back end of one of the websites I manage. It's not really a game- it's a mockup of a program that my dad and I are going to build in Unity. We just want to flesh it out the interface in C2 because it has a really fast turnaround time.

    Ordinarily, I would just show him, but I'm on the other side of the country, and this is the only was he can see what I made.

    Basically, I just need space to post projects like this! Thanks again for the reply, that made my night. ^__^

  • so the exported html, then?

    it used to be very simple in dropbox (until the end of last year, i believe) and drive (until like 2 weeks ago), but they seem to have done away with this feature, so now you're down to just any regular webhosting, or the scirra arcade, I guess..

    and this forums is like that! people always replying and helping. One of C2's best features..

  • and this forums is like that! people always replying and helping. One of C2's best features..

    I am grateful for that. Everyone here is really nice. I tried getting some help on the Unity site, and those guys were like, STFU NOOB USE GOOGLE.

    Lol, C2 and their peoples is the best.

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