The True Power Of Construct

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From the Asset Store
75 power-up sound effects; bonus and notification sounds, fanfares, harp glissandi, stabs, clock ticks, etc.
  • I have seen the true power of Construct on Scirra's Russian site.ProjectStar2 is the most awesome game ive ever seen as far as 2d games go.And the Russian site itself is absolutely gorgeous.I have no idea how they got that plane to move sideways with the mouse and have the plane yaw at an angle left or right.My question is ,Can you create 10 different stages with the same quality gfx on every stage?.

    The boss is absolutely fantastic.Did they use python script for ProjectStar 2 or did they use Construct's built in library of event's?.After visiting the russian site i have more questions than ever before lol.

    Construct is the best 2d games creator in the universe!!!.Ive had some commercially availible 2d games packages before but they pale in comparison.I don't know if Construct ever got an award for best freeware 2d package but it definitely deserve's all the awards.To everyone at Scirra,YOU ROCK!!!.

  • Do you happen to have a link to this site and/or game?

  • Do you happen to have a link to this site and/or game?

  • I have seen the true power of Construct on Scirra's Russian site.ProjectStar2 is the most awesome game ive ever seen as far as 2d games go.And the Russian site itself is absolutely gorgeous.I have no idea how they got that plane to move sideways with the mouse and have the plane yaw at an angle left or right.My question is ,Can you create 10 different stages with the same quality gfx on every stage?.

    The boss is absolutely fantastic.Did they use python script for ProjectStar 2 or did they use Construct's built in library of event's?.After visiting the russian site i have more questions than ever before lol.

    Are you getting music when you play ProjectStar 2? I get sound effects but no music.

  • The game project star 2 is really impressive as is the Russian site.

    They have their own

    -tutorials ("how to create a platformer in 5 minutes",... )

    -aritcles about latest games

    -can be seen that it is a lively, living community.

    Great site, would worth to translate it !

    "O, those Russians..." -Rasputin

  • I have seen the true power of Construct on Scirra's Russian site.ProjectStar2 is the most awesome game ive ever seen as far as 2d games go.

    Not to diss this game or anything. The level of presentation surely is something to watch out for... but how exactly does this show the true power of Construct? We have seen more impressive things in terms of coding/events. Just think about Arsonide's space project that procedurally generates a whole universe or the hires animation stuff that lucid did or some of the great things Quazi and other people are creating on a regular basis.

    The boss is absolutely fantastic.Did they use python script for ProjectStar 2 or did they use Construct's built in library of event's?

    I believe there's nothing in this game that would require python scripting. It all can be done with pretty simple eventing. I think you may be overwhelmed by the visuals and a lack of own experience with Construct.

    Construct is the best 2d games creator in the universe!!!

    Can't really argue with that!

    And thanks for posting about this promising game!

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  • > I have seen the true power of Construct on Scirra's Russian site.ProjectStar2 is the most awesome game ive ever seen as far as 2d games go.


    Not to diss this game or anything. The level of presentation surely is something to watch out for... but how exactly does this show the true power of Construct? We have seen more impressive things in terms of coding/events. Just think about Arsonide's space project that procedurally generates a whole universe or the hires animation stuff that lucid did or some of the great things Quazi and other people are creating on a regular basis.

    > The boss is absolutely fantastic.Did they use python script for ProjectStar 2 or did they use Construct's built in library of event's?


    I believe there's nothing in this game that would require python scripting. It all can be done with pretty simple eventing. I think you may be overwhelmed by the visuals and a lack of own experience with Construct.

    > Construct is the best 2d games creator in the universe!!!


    Can't really argue with that!

    And thanks for posting about this promising game!

    Gotta agree here. I cba to download it, but from what i can see it just looks like a really nicely made space scrolling shooter. Python events are rarely needed anyway, they are usually just preferable for certain jobs.

    The true power of construct hasn't been tapped into yet, its hardly been around long enough for someone to have made a project to do it justice.

  • I gotta agree with PixelRebirth and alee too...

    Yeah it's nice looking game and so on but nothing mind blowing compared to many demos there is out there! Even if some of them are tech demos they're still so much more interesting and "show the true power" much better.

  • But we can all agree one thing right?.Construct rocks!!!.

  • But we can all agree one thing right?.Construct rocks!!!.

    Lol yes we can

  • there is no word ennough strong to say how constuct rock

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