I got shiny!

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  • 9 posts
  • YAY! I got an awesome profile medal for buying a personal license! ^_^

    Just another random post, this time detailing how happy I am to be working with C2. LOL

    I'm most eager to start learning how to use families. The downside: possibly having to do MORE RE-re-editing of my Event sheets. :P

  • Congrats! :D

  • Would yours be the 40% less shiny version of Mine?... <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Seriously though, adding the use of families into an existing project, can be a bit of a pain, due to the family variables hierarchy, it should be worth the effort though.

  • pixel perfick - LLLOOOLLL I got      such a good laugh outta that. But you would be right , I took advantage of the 40% off deal.

    Time to go learn families and see what ELSE I can break in my game while I add to it.

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  • Yours aren't as shiny as mine , and you don't have the 1st ! ( You ain't as cheap as me too , bought it for 30 bucks <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

  • Whiteclaws

    didn't realise you were so cheap!!

  • Whiteclaws - How the heck did you get yours for $30?! LOL

    *checks pixels of our medals...* They look to be the same. You sure you aren't trying to mislead me? :P

  • Whiteclaws - How the heck did you get yours for $30?! LOL

    *checks pixels of our medals...* They look to be the same. You sure you aren't trying to mislead me? :P

    A bit color blind Mr Rhindon ?

    On Whiteclaws (like mine actually), the ribbon is green with a little "1st" on the medal, whereas on yours the ribbon is green with a cog logo on the medal.

    The difference ? The green one is the "early adopter" license, when C2 costed around 30$/? two years ago.

    It was also a bet on the future and had far less features than today.

  • - Ooops. My bad. In all honesty I hadn't realized there was such a difference, and here in the forums there's no medal attached to the profile pic... My mistake.

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