Have you seen "Game Develop"?

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  • I stumbled upon this freeware game creator called "Game Develop", that appears to have recently been translated from French to English. I was surprised how complete the program appears, and made by only one developer AFAIK. It has a WYSIWYG editor and uses an events similar to Construct and is able to make games for Windows and Linux.

    It's no replacement for Construct though, and it's ease of use and fast workflow. Yes, I'm biased.



  • Interesting, looks fairly similar to Construct in some ways. Can't get my head round the UI though.

  • ok im never biased so yeah thnx for the link.Both construct and this new frenchy program rocks!!!.

  • Nicest of all is that Construct is the source of inspiration for GD, according to the developer:

    "I plan to add physic capabilities to GD, but I need to add a system similar to the behaviours of Construct before doing this. "

    (from the GD forum: http://www.forum.compilgames.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1616 )

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Interesting

    Also, I think the developer might be this guy:

  • based on screenshots only it looks waaaaaay more than "fairly similar"

    can't blame him, Construct has some awesome concepts at the core

  • The beauty of open source.

  • It's like re-learning everything from scratch, it's nice tough, this means we're getting into a new age of WYSIWYG game development, nevertheless I will stick to Construct for now.

  • Although I kind of like the thought that Construct already has a state where it is seen as a shining example, it is a shame that somebody who obviously has talent and skill prefers to re-invent the wheel instead of joining the scirra team to further push Construct

  • Construct is the future, and the future is now.

  • Construct is the future, and the future is now.

    it funny, you look so serious

    look like a Micro$oft conference

  • > Construct is the future, and the future is now.


    it funny, you look so serious

    look like a Micro$oft conference

    Oh, you CAN see me, eh?!!! I was suspicious of this for a long time, but now with that post I know for sure you've been spying on me! And all this time I've been completely naked!

    Rest assured, I have contacted law enforcement amd they will be coming to get you very soon!

  • [quote:26n5ukww]Also, I think the developer might be this guy:

    Absolutely, I have posted a few messages in this forum. ( And I didn't want to open a topic about GD or include it in my signature ).

    [quote:26n5ukww]The beauty of open source.

    Please note that there is not a single line of code in Game Develop which comes from Construct.

    You can verify that by downloading the extension SDK ( http://www.compilgames.net/code/GameDev ... K149599.7z -- Everything should be in English ) and looking at some headers files, Object.h or RuntimeScene.h for example.

    Moreover, Game Develop makes extensive use of Boost, SFML ( SDL-like library based on OpenGL ) or wxWidgets for the IDE.

    [quote:26n5ukww]Nicest of all is that Construct is the source of inspiration for GD, according to the developer:

    I have discovered Construct ( Oh, Interesting, it looks like Game Develop ) whereas Game Develop was released from about one year I think.

    But I must admit that Behaviours is a great concept. Future release of GD will feature a similarly concept called Automatisms.

    ( But, again , implementation is far different as in Construct : Construct use a "sibling objects" mechanism (I believe), whereas Automatisms of GD inherit from Automatism class and are stored into objects. )

    [quote:26n5ukww]it is a shame that somebody who obviously has talent and skill prefers to re-invent the wheel instead of joining the scirra team to further push Construct

    As said before, I discovered Construct too late to stop GD development. ( And I must admit that I kinda prefer the way some things are implemented in GD ). I have read some portion of Construct source code but I don't know if I would had the skill required to get part to Construct if I had discovered it earlier.

    [quote:26n5ukww]Can't get my head round the UI though.

    The blue ribbon or the overall organization of things ?

    [quote:26n5ukww]Both construct and this new frenchy program rocks!!!.

  • Wow GD is way cool.So is UDK and Panda3d.Construct,well have to wait and see when it's bugfree.

  • So what can this program do that Construct cannot do? for now I see it as an alternative to Construct, is this gonna have more power (like how is that possible?) more support for 3D or what? enlighten me on this program if it's worth switching over. (I won't do so soon tough)

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