Wow, I watched that with the "experimental beta" audio transcribe feature turned on... and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
Do that while watching, it's 10000000x more entertaining.
Also, what the hell did I just watch?
That was heart-breakingly sweet. I understood that he was infirm and used the costume to reach out to people in a way that he couldn't without the bear get-up, but dang. . . I need to learn a second language ;) Nice find, Mipey.
You don't need to learn the language in order to understand the message behind this video :)
True, everybody needs a hug now and then.
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You don't need to learn the language in order to understand the message behind this video :)Of course not. I'm really interested in him as a person, and because the video was largely him speaking about his situation I would have loved to know the particulars. Shared this with a few friends :)