Question for a Website

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This is a single chapter about "Decision Science" strategy games from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection" workshop.
  • I will buy a Joomla Template and a Domain Website, anyone here knows how to integrate the Joomla template to a website to make it live online?

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  • That's not how Joomla templates work.

    You would have to install the Joomla CMS on your web hosting before you can use that template. Joomla CMS is a content management system (CMS) that requires php and mysql to work. Does your hosting have those? You may want to do some research on Joomla before jumping into it. It's not the easiest CMS to work with for a beginner.

    So, it takes more than a template and a domain name to get a Joomla site running.

  • That's not how Joomla templates work.

    You would have to install the Joomla CMS on your web hosting before you can use that template. Joomla CMS is a content management system (CMS) that requires php and mysql to work. Does your hosting have those? You may want to do some research on Joomla before jumping into it. It's not the easiest CMS to work with for a beginner.

    So, it takes more than a template and a domain name to get a Joomla site running.

    I don't have a CMS, doI have to buy a Joomla CMS?

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