A Proposal for Indie-Friendly Monetization in Construct: Balancing Growth and Innovation

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Why don't the developers of Construct offer a free version or a very low-cost option for independent or individual developers, such as an annual fee of just 3 dollars? This approach could be effective in monetizing mainly companies or teams of more than three people.

    Independent developers play a crucial role in boosting the popularity of development platforms by creating free tutorials and videos. This method was a key factor in Unity's success, as demonstrated by contents like this video. These contributions not only elevate the platform's fame but also expand the user community and the overall popularity of the engine.

    An interesting proposal could be setting up a Patreon. Successful indie developers could contribute to funding improvements for the engine if their games do well in the market.

    On another note, I am pleased with the consistent updates that Construct 3 has been receiving, and I admire the smart way they handle everything. However, there's a concern that they might grow too big, similar to Unity, which despite having around 7,000 employees, has shown limited significant advancements over the years. It's crucial to maintain a balance between growth and continued innovation and effective improvements.


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  • 1. Donations? LOL, right. Created mods for KSP. My big mod had over 300,000 downloads and after years of not even caring any more I still get people wanting to download it. Total donations? $50.00.

    2. No, Construct isn't cheap. Of course you could buy other coding languages like Dephi. I think the architect version is $3,700 this year. Or, you could do Unity and C# in Visual Studio for free (until they change the rules again) if you wanna get buried for the next 5 years in their API where the minute you learn how to do something they depreciate it and end up throw your hands up in disgust.

    There are other options.

    My opinion, if you can't somehow manage to find the money for an annual subscription then perhaps you should consider a real job and save money until you can. Bill Gates started out writing code for a power plant.

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