Pixels .....what the ....

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Vintage steam pixels for your UI! 125 unique assets in a single pack!
  • This caught my eye when nosing through the imdb this afternoon, I thought it was funny and figured I'd share

    When aliens misinterpret video feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war, they attack the Earth in the form of the video games.

  • Haha conceptually, it is something new and unique! So can't wait to see how they do it. Haha really want to know in what way the aliens are going to use video games to attack, hack all games? Or recreate all the game characters and attack earth.....or perhaps digitize the world into a gaming realm....or even make earth like GTA...(wait it already is :p). Haha now I am really interested in this movie!

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  • Haha conceptually, it is something new and unique! So can't wait to see how they do it. Haha really want to know in what way the aliens are going to use video games to attack, hack all games? Or recreate all the game characters and attack earth.....or perhaps digitize the world into a gaming realm....or even make earth like GTA...(wait it already is :p). Haha now I am really interested in this movie!

    There is a small video preview (below the main image between the images) which even has the creator of pacman in it

    It looks pretty good graphically

  • Haha I thought it was a 3D animated movie, so a bit surprised that it wasn't. Very excited when saw Adam Sandlers name in the actors list, haha 100% going to watch this!!

    Here's the link to the trailer for everyone else. Trust us, you want to watch this!

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