Pixeljunk Shooter

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    Anyone here played it? I finished it a couple of weeks ago, another great, new 2d game

    Has anyone ever tried to do fluid sims like they do in construct? Wasn't Quazi working on something like that once?

  • Oops, Quasiblob infrigment.

  • Yeah, PJ Shooter is really great. They are making Shooter 2 atm. There is still a lot of unused potential in this game.

  • Ha, I remember this. A bunch of us had a long convo about it in chat a while back and tried to come up with methods of doing it in construct (while trying to avoid Quazi's method). Ultimately Davo came up with a pretty much working solution of sorts, and with a special effects shader it could certainly come close.

  • seems to work under the same principal as quasiblobs, although i assume theyd use a custom made shader with better control over attributes than a simple Colourise. all you need really is a shader than can control whats displayed using a hard falloff curve, and the overlapping of the gradients creates the meta-ball effect. a custom shader for quaziblobs would be of great use because then you wouldnt have to layer a bunch of effects to get the desired colorings ect, colourise is really limited but i used it because well, it was the only option, and i played with other effects and blob colours for different shading levels to get the optimal look. with a custom shader this PJ type effect would be 100% possible. if anyones interested in writing it id be gald to help em know what the specifics about what it needs to do are, and write a tutorial so everyone can know how to do the effect.

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  • seems to work under the same principal as quasiblobs, although i assume theyd use a custom made shader with better control over attributes than a simple Colourise. all you need really is a shader than can control whats displayed using a hard falloff curve, and the overlapping of the gradients creates the meta-ball effect. a custom shader for quaziblobs would be of great use because then you wouldnt have to layer a bunch of effects to get the desired colorings ect, colourise is really limited but i used it because well, it was the only option, and i played with other effects and blob colours for different shading levels to get the optimal look. with a custom shader this PJ type effect would be 100% possible. if anyones interested in writing it id be gald to help em know what the specifics about what it needs to do are, and write a tutorial so everyone can know how to do the effect.

    Don't get my post wrong. The reason we were trying to avoid your method was simply, you'd done it already. We were curious what other ways could work.

  • all you need really is a shader than can control whats displayed using a hard falloff curve, and the overlapping of the gradients creates the meta-ball effect

    hmm I may have done this already a while back. An alpha remap effect. Note that since we're using premultiplied alpha, transparent colors will lose precision when made solid. But it works, I used it to make clouds that slowly vanish.

    with metaballs, you'd just put alpha-ramp spheres in a layer, then remap the layer's alpha.

    I'll look for the file, not sure if I uploaded it here.

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