The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hello Scirra Forums. I am enjoying this tool!

  • Hi. I have been interested in making games. So when I was browsing the web, I saw this website and it's software. I'm gonna try to make games, hopefully it's not as difficult as it looks! But if it is, I am up to the task. HAVE A NICE DAY. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello there! I'm Shio and I'm a hobbyist artist. I'm new to Construct but already love it! I want to turn my ideas into games.

  • Hello Scirra, I'm just making my first steps in game development. Found your tool very interesting and helpful to get started playing with game ideas. Sure we will spend good time together <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi there

    new to the software, but from what I have done in the last 4 or 5 days to test and play with this would have taken me months in code

    great bit of kit

  • Bien le bonjour, je suis Aur�lien Truco-Gallucci.

    23 ans en 2012.

    Utilisateur de Construct 2 depuis ses d�buts dans le portage des applications vers les mobiles.

    Je suis tr�s branch� sur la physique dans les jeux.

    Je cr�� aussi des sites web dynamiques et ludiques gr�ce � Construct 2 (en plus des jeux).

    Bonne continuation Scirra ! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello guys, I'm relatively new here, but from what I've been able to learn about construct 2, is that its easy and hard but whenever I've ran into an issue the forums here are really helpful. I just need to keep pluggin into the forum and manual, and i should have some epic stuff coming down the pipe-line. already made my first windows 8 app.. "Smello's First Adventure". I am working on a platformer, which is going quite well. I got the animation, and now i am tweaking the movement, of platforming, and just got in some new code. its gonna be sweet

  • hi guys! my name is ludovic.

    Just discovered this community and construct 2.

    Hope it will all be great :)

    I might need lots of help in the future :)

  • HI

    i think im late for introducing my self <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> i just noticed this now

    ok im studying softwares developpement and im a big fun of making games

    i find construct realy owsome !!the best 2d game engine

    that's all and Keep always a positive attitude :)

  • Let me introduce myself: I'm an italian engineer, and I work in IT as senior programmer/project manager; in my (little) spare time I've always worked on videogames since I was 8 (BASIC rules!) just for personal pleasure and programming language-learning purpouse.

    Some days ago I came across Scirra 2 while surfing the web and immediately the idea caught and fascinated me... of course I will never finish one of the dozen of projects I've in mind, but still I believe this is a wonderful opportunities not only for designer with no programming skill, but also for programmer with no time to code!

    Many thanks to Scirra's bros ( ;) ) for their idea...

  • I am Aman, i always wanted to create games. Constructs 2 has changes my dream into reality.

  • I always like to create games without programming. But if their were lots of more examples with source files, for using construct 2 for mobile as to use for web based.

  • HEYYYYYY, Lets make some games !

  • hey, everyone. i am video game design student and love to play games. Right now i was working on a project to make my board game digital and i have very little idea of programming. So if anyone wants to help please let me know, it would be very helpful. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi

    I am totally new to programming but I have always loved to design my own games. I struggled for a while whether to learn Flash to build games or HTML5 and I came across Construct 2 which seems to be the answer. I am just going to start on the beginner's tutorial now. Fingers crossed I won't give up!

    I am primarily interested in 2D puzzles, not so much of action games. If anyone has the same interests and would like to share some tips, please let me know! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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