Need help with kickstarter

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  • Hi, My name is walter and i am making a campaign for kickstart for my game Latte Deconstruction

    I want to know if someone had the experiencie for do a campaign.

    What do you need?

    Do you need to be a "real" company?

    What is the tax? 7% kickstarter 3-5% amazon

    What obtain a EIN?


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  • If the campaign succeeds Kickstarter has a 5% fee and then there is another fee to process credit cards that varies from 3% to 5%.

    The developer of Xenonauts posted a guide for non-US project creators. There is a section about obtaining an Employer Identification Number.

    With a $30,000 goal you would need to aim for 1,200 to 1,500 backers to reach 100%. For an small indie game project to get more than $10,000 usually requires significant effort. It can be very hard to get to 500 backers. I strongly suggest trying to find ways to make the minimum goal smaller.

    I'll take a longer look at the project preview link (Found it on the IndieDB page) tomorrow. From what I quickly looked at there are a lot of things that would cause the project's momentum to stall out with a goal that large.

  • Thanks! for respond, we are working on in the project :D

  • Here is some feedback before my bedtime.

    First, about the project page previewed.

    The thumbnail I would rank better than good. The overall art is good. The bubble text is well done.

    There is no pitch video yet. Lack of a pitch video is can be tolerable for campaigns in other categories, but for indie games a pitch video is now almost mandatory.

    I suggest choosing either the thumbnail image or the project's description to put the information that it is for PC, Mac and Linux. It can be as simple as having the platform logos (Like Tux the Linux penguin) in the thumbnail or adding "PC/Mac/Linux" at the end of the description.

    The music samples don't seem to fit together. The samples could have come from different games.

    At the top of the main body of the project page (Below the description blurb) is the blue and white "Latte Deconstruction" logo. That logo is good, but it should be relocated because that area on the page is very valuable space.

    The grammar and wording could be tightened up a bit, but is already close to good enough.

    The character biography section is well done. There aren't many recycled character poses which is very good.

    There was excellent use of animated GIFs.

    Animations cycles are very good. Transitions between cycles, such as when the Latte character stops running, are still rough. That is to be expected from a work in progress.

    The core mechanic of moving blocks is easy to understand. I can't tell if it is fun or not because it might be too easy looking since being able to reposition blocks like that grants almost too much freedom. If I recall correctly was an episode of Extra Credits that talked about the need for the game designer to understand which specific qualities like foresight or reflexes the game would test the player on.

    Back in 2012 there were so many puzzle platformers on Kickstarter that many people have been burned out by them. A challenge is to prove to strangers that your game is a puzzle platformer worth making. I wonder how well the game would play if with constantly-scrolling levels.

    I don't have an idea what the scope of the game is. Details, like how many levels are planned, are indicators a project has been well thought-out and helps a potential backer decide if a game is worth their pledge. How many hours of gameplay there is has become a common way for some people to value games.

    It appears you released a game before this, so that is something to link to as evidence you can deliver a game.

    Second, about the reward structure.

    I've tracked each individual reward tier for campaigns with my graphs to see how different types of rewards perform. The structure I see in the preview is decent, but there could be a lot of optimizations made.

    There is a $8 early-bird tier with only 500 slots. When full, that reward tier would bring in $4,000 (13.3% of the goal). After that is a $10 pre-order tier that can be considered to be the main reward tier. That means you would be competing against other indie games in the $10 class. Different classes, such as campaigns where the $5 and $15 tiers as their main tiers, behave differently and there are different levels of expectations from potential backers. I don't know if your game can compete in the $10 class without offering more value. The problem is reducing the price of the main tier has the trade off of needing to aim for more backers to cover the same goal amount. Regular Kickstarter users can now shop around about where to make pledges.

    There is the opportunity to drop physical rewards from the campaign to lower the minimum goal. Rewards like backers being able to design a character or getting a non-player character version of themselves into the game are the type of reward that do well. Coffee-related things like fake coffee stains should go well.

    Third, a bit about promoting the game.

    With Kickstarter's platform becoming increasingly competitive, a strong launch is becoming more and more important. That often now means gathering fans before launching.

    I assume "15 de febrero" is February 15th. That day is out of sync with the blogger cycle, out of sync with the weekly traffic cycle on Kickstarter for regular backers and in sync with the monthly cycle. I do not know the length of the campaign or what hour in the Eastern Time Zone it will launch, but a lot of potential pledges can be lost by ending at a bad time.

    A Prefundia post is something I've started recommending.

    Getting familiar with Reddit sooner rather than later is another recommendation. There are places like /r/gamedev's Screenshot Saturday where indie devs can help and critique other devs' work.

    There is the opportunity for you to run a bilingual campaign. Kick-Heart is an example of how to run a multilingual campaign with different sets of instructions at the bottom of the main page.

    Linux support means there are options to promote it to Linux users like myself who are very vocal on Kickstarter.

    A playable demo would beneficial. You could have the users of this forum help playtest it and make suggestions on how to refine it.

    One of the most important things is to know who your primary target market is like age groups. An all-ages adventure can be difficult to actually achieve. Many Kickstarter backers are people who grew up on classic PC games and there is a general distaste for games that are too "casual". It is possible to run a campaign targeted towards children, but you need to target the parents to buy it.

    Sometimes an initial Kickstarter campaign can be used to prepare for a second campaign. Backers and feedback from the first campaign can strengthen the second attempt.

  • Wow, excelent advice, well, the game is very complex because you have many blocks and all reaction different when you move it. We need add more mechanics of the game, like crafting or use of ?tems.

    We have a dev blog in

    I am waiting for art to make more concept of the other worlds

    this is a game with more than 100 stage, with secrets worlds and a amount of collectibles.

    I am looking for page like prefundia. If we have problems with kickstarter, we will use WWW.INDIEGOGO.COM

    Thanks a lot for the time.

    A lot!


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