Making a 3D Game?

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Make your own platformer for both the web and mobile easy with this Santas Platformer Template, FULLY DOCUMENTED
  • I have no idea how to make a 3D game like "Cube Maze" or "Tube Rider." How do you make one, I'm sure many others would like to know too.

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • [ XD ]

    Gosh, the graphics seem like such a piece of work that i don't know what to do...

  • For 3D games, I found Blitz3D to be the easiest language to come to grips with. I've still not found a good click-and-create tool for 3D, but I don't expect one to come soon either.

    If you can get a copy of Blitz3D, you might find the programming just easy enough to get what you want out of it.

  • Also check out Unity 3d they have many tutorials and even some visual scripting plugins to try out. Another bonus is they provide a free version.

  • I find coppercube ( to be a good option.

    It uses WebGL, and just like with Canvas, you dont need to install any plugins, and you write your own code with javascript!

    So its like Construct 2, but in 3D!

  • John Carmack is doing Doom 4 in HTML5, so we're likely to see a lot of innovation with the technology soon.

  • I've been using 3DRad for over a year now and find it's great for doing small 3D Windows games.

    Compile's to standalone .exe, and although it says it will do web games - my personal experiences making a web game have been sketchy at best.

    Overall though it's amazingly simple, intuitive and superb to use.

    Just like Construct 2 - you can make some great stuff with no scripting at all, but when the time comes you want to script - it uses Angelscript which is quite easy to learn.

    There's also a small demo of a car football game done by me in the game engine at the following link... Simple Sketchup models and everything else done in 3DRad.

    Quick video link.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • John Carmack is doing Doom 4 in HTML5, so we're likely to see a lot of innovation with the technology soon.

    Where exactly did you read that <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />? I Wasn't able to find any information on it.

  • It was just a joke, and a wish, because he's probably capable of improving HTML5 a lot.

  • You can use Juantar copperlicht C2 plugin, he create a 3D maze sample. Use ambiera coppercube free trial to create your 3D scene and the copperlicht html/webgl mode to use it.

  • Sadly, I could not find the Doom 4 HTML5 3D. No way to get to it except for a link...

  • Sorry CreatedorMade I hoped it was true too but he was just kidding.

  • That stuff is pretty awesome.

    You can use Juantar copperlicht C2 plugin, he create a 3D maze sample. Use ambiera coppercube free trial to create your 3D scene and the copperlicht html/webgl mode to use it.

  • That stuff is pretty awesome.

    > You can use Juantar copperlicht C2 plugin, he create a 3D maze sample. Use ambiera coppercube free trial to create your 3D scene and the copperlicht html/webgl mode to use it.


    WOW. I saw that. Pure wow. but where do i get it... GREAT! I HATE SHAREWARE!

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