Should I Use Construct 2?

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  • I've been doing a lot of research on which service to use. For my needs, I'm now deciding between Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and Construct 2.

    I'm after building a simple platformer-- Mario style, 8-bit. Can't imagine it would be impossible for a n00b like myself to finagle.

    My goal is to create the game for personal pleasure, and if it does well enough I'd like to publish to console-- only issue is I do not see any support for Xbox One or PS4. Can anyone speak to what they think will happen with this? Future updates?

    So what do you say? Anyone ever had experience with Clickteam Fusion on here?

    Thanks very much!

  • The question would be: Are you aware of what it takes anybody to publish to a console?

    As of right now the Wii, and Ouya are the only one's available for C2, obviously any that accept html5 would be able to export in the future.

    As it is console, and indie rarely mix.

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  • There's a very good chance C2 will be able to export to the xbox one, as microsoft has said they want to support html5 and windows 8 apps, and recently made the move to make universal apps which C2 now supports. As far as I know microsoft simply needs to finish adding support for them for the xbox one.

    As for C2 versus fusion, there's just no contest. I've used them both, and C2 is everything fusion should have been.

  • I talked to an Xbox rep at PAX about HTML5 support. Bascially, it's definitely going to be a thing, but expect a feature set like Internet Explorer. Also, no webGL or web audio, and it doesn't take full advantage of the console's performance.

    I disagree with newt however about indies and consoles mixing in general - it's never been easier as an indie to get on console platforms - even Game Maker is supporting Playstation export.

  • Ok, keep hope alive.

  • As for C2 versus fusion, there's just no contest. I've used them both, and C2 is everything fusion should have been.

    That's what I needed to hear-- even if it is from a Moderator

    Guess I'll be diving into another abyssal creative chapter of life. Splash.

  • Just download the free version and try out some of the templates. Then try prototyping things you're interested in. Most of what you want to do should be easy to do, even in the limited free version.

    Basically, just go for it, and have fun

  • For what it's worth, I had that opinion before I became a moderator (though C2 hadn't been started at that point, so my opinion would have been about construct classic then instead). I'm not biased because I'm a moderator here, my opinion that C2 is way better than everything else I've tried remains the same regardless of that fact.

    Seriously, even in the very, very early days of construct classic I was blown away by how much more I liked construct's design rather than fusion's. There's a long, long list of things construct does better. Here's a more detailed earlier post I wrote about it:

    I've used both. In my opinion, construct is vastly superior. Sub events alone would be enough to have convinced me, but also objects can have named variables and as many of them as you want, the behaviors aren't useless because they aren't buggy and actually work, none of that spread value nonsense to get multiple instances working, event sheet includes, no broken object references, local variables, updates every week or two, the list goes on and on.

    I don't mean to bash MMF, but it was so frustrating to work with. I felt like I was fighting it more than I was making a game with it. C2 in comparison, glides.

  • > I've used both. In my opinion, construct is vastly superior. Sub events alone would be enough to have convinced me, but also objects can have named variables and as many of them as you want, the behaviors aren't useless because they aren't buggy and actually work, none of that spread value nonsense to get multiple instances working, event sheet includes, no broken object references, local variables, updates every week or two, the list goes on and on.


    This is very helpful. Thanks!

  • you can just try construct 2 for free and if you like you can buy the personal edition.

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