Christmas Lights

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  • Here is what my house looks like this year... not quite finished yet, but close enough. I might take some more when it's all done, and with a better camera.

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    There are some other awesome houses around near my place that look freakin' sweet. I'm gonna try and get some shots of some of the really over the top ones and put 'em up here so you guys can see.


  • Wow... other people have displays like that in your village too? I bet you can see it from space.

  • Wow... other people have displays like that in your village too? I bet you can see it from space.

    village? lulz XD

    I'll take some photos... you guys (especially over there in the UK) will probably freak out. I've seen some big displays before, but there is one in particular I HAVE TO take some pics of. May a bolt of lightning strike me on the man parts if I fail to deliver.


  • Nice setup, man

    Wow... other people have displays like that in your village too? I bet you can see it from space.

    There's a street in my town where everyone is required by the neighborhood organization to do this kind of thing every year. Then they charge ten bucks a head for carriage rides and give the money to some charity.

    Kind of a nice idea, but still... I wouldn't want to be told how I had to have my yard decorated

  • Wow nice! Me and my flat mates dont even have a christmas tree

  • Whoah, really nice setup there.

  • Blurrryyyyy!!! lol

    look like a sharp setup... but wait. there's snow in Oz?

  • Blurrryyyyy!!! lol

    look like a sharp setup... but wait. there's snow in Oz?

    Snow... crushed white marble stones... same diff?

    Yeah pics are blurry... used my camera from my phone. It's not a bad camera, but it HATES taking pictures in artificial light, or in the dark. I'm going to borrow my friends awesome camera to take some better pics later.

    Cheers for the comments though. It took quite awhile to set up and it's still not 100% finished yet. Hopefully it will be all completed today though... I need a few more power boards though... I only have 12 so far but I have about another 10 things to plug in lol.


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  • So I heard it's all finished... unless I buy more stuff before the big day.

    Here is a real quick video I made of it. You can see better than with pictures. I used my phone again though so it's not great. The little munchkin that comes running up at the start is my daughter.

    Enjoy ... lights.mp4

    12Mb approx


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