Royalty free pack from store questions

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From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Hi.

    I want to buy some royalty free packs from the store but im am confused by "Licensee may use the Licensed Content in up to 1 commercial projects"

    What does that mean?

    For example, i want to buy a pack of 100 sfx or sprites or fonts or whatever.

    I can only use them once in one game only?

    What if i make 50 games? I must buy the pack 50 times?

  • Anyone?

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  • If you read the terms, it tells you clear as day:

    [quote:3l7r8dmo]Licensee may use the Licensed Content in up to 1 commercial projects. A commercial project is one defined as a Work for Distribution launched with the capability to generate revenue, or intention to generate revenue through the sale of, licensing of, or otherwise intend to generate revenue directly from the Work for Distribution. If Licensee wishes to use the Licensed Content in more than 1 commercial projects they will need to purchase an additional License or the Licensed Content at the exclusive price if one is available (c.4).

    Licensee is permitted to use the Licensed Content in unlimited free projects. A Free Project is one defined as a Work For Distribution that generates zero revenue, has generated zero revenue and does not have the capability to generate revenue in any form.

    Summary, if you plan on making money (or make money) then yes, it is 1 sprite pack per project.

  • Ok, thanks.

    I want to publish my games with ads, so...yes...i want to make money..

    I just think its a waste to sell packs if you can only use them once.. :/

  • Ok, thanks.

    I want to publish my games with ads, so...yes...i want to make money..

    I just think its a waste to sell packs if you can only use them once.. :/

    It is pretty typical, and allows you to get cheaper assets usually. Some other sites will offer higher-end licenses with multiple use, but then you are paying 10x the price, if not more.

  • if there is another license saying your allowed to use it only once in a production... then its not royalty free! its a category mistake ... i seen this thing on most websites...

    free royalty = you can do whatever you want with it as long you dont sell it! a good example of free royalty is the free bundle from scirra. the rest are not so much free royalty since the license of use overrides the category.

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