Trivia Game Needed

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • We are looking to license a browser-based trivia game which possesses the following basic specs: two-player, split screen, mobile-friendly (iOS & Android), American English localization, and timer (fastest time attribute). In addition, the game needs to have a difficulty-structure which permits increasingly difficult questions and/or faster time limits. We will provide the database of questions and answers, which also means we need to be able to have our program director directly modify the questions and answers database. We do have an intermediate proficiency with AJAX and JSON. The game would need to be operational (and beta tested) by May 24, 2021.

    If you have an existing game which meets these basic requirements or have a game which can be upgraded to meet these requirements, you can reach us at

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