[PAID] Top-down enemy behavior

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From the Asset Store
Set of tiles to create a map for top-down games with island theme
  • A quick buck gig for anyone skilled/interested. An area where the player moves and fights the eneimes, but the key here is enemy behaviour. Just a simple example with every behavior state fully functional. Might take anywhere from a couple of hours to a day or two, depending on the skill and free time allocated, of course).

    I'm not going to go full-in on the details here, but the basic rundown is as follows:

    -Top-down roguelike styled game

    -32x32 grid

    -A moderate number of instance variables

    -Multiple enemy types and behaviors (might include Pathfinding or whatever suits you best) reacting to the player

    -Some visual additions

    -Making sure all the logic is functional of course

    No rush needed to get it done.

    Anyone interested can contact me via mail at kroftek@gmail.com and I'll hand out the full job description, and from there on we'll see if we can strike a deal.

    I'm not sure about the cost of this so I'll communicate this with the interested party before/during the process.

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