[Paid] Multiplayer card game

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From the Asset Store
Template for trading card game, fully documented in comments and video
  • Hi, I have started programming a card game with Construct 3, now I can play that game alone by controlling each player one after the other, so I am almost done with programming all the game rules. Now I would like to pay someone to turn it into an online multiplayer game, besides I would like a better solution than the one where "host quits" means the end of the game for all players. Indeed my game can have 2 to 10 players and they "die" one after the other until the last "survivor" wins the game and of course, if the host "dies" first, I need the other players to keep playing. In the end, the goal is to export the game to an Android app. Thank you.

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  • Hello there!

    Hope you’re doing good

    I can help with your requirement.

    Kindly reach out to me at angelasjr@cisinlabs.com or skype me at cisin.angela.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Have a nice day.

    Thanks and Regards,


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