Need an advanced Construct 2 dev. 15/hr + Bonus!!!

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hello all!

    I am looking for advanced Construct 2 developers to work on a a project that will involve a series of discrete, complex tasks and last approximately 2 months. The deadlines will be very tight but I will pay $15 (unfortunately we can't provide equity at this stage) an hour plus early completion incentives. The number of hours will be agreed upon before initiating each specific project. The project involves the development of a metroidvania game prototype. I can be reached at

    Please only email if serious about the project and willing to devote the necessary time to complete the project. For more details you can see my previous post regarding this request.



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  • Hi Christian, I'm a coder of construct2. I have does some project, I think I can this job.

    Plz contact me.

    Gmail: design.phuochuynh

    Skype: design.phuochuynh

  • Thanks tamngon! Assuming is your email address you should have received an NDA for your review.

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