I've been using an engine, from which i would like to port the character system into C2, which means the final result would be a Platform-like behavior, with many extended options, to make the actor behave like anything between a simple jump and run, to full blown sonic the hedgehog style physics.
The reason i'm dropping the old engine is because it's development stopped and my programming skills are very bad. I was able to add some small new features, but C2 is much more advanced in general, only lacks a behavior similar to the one described.
Now the hard part: I know most of the people here will not work for free. If someone would that would be awesome, if not, post your price. This is the C source to the actor:
The point is not to make a direct reproduction, but to make a platform behavior flexible enough to contain most of the features, and letting the Constructor choose which to use, and configure the behavior with variables and booleans.