Help me add MIDI functions-I'll pay!

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  • Good afternoon!

    I have bought and am using an addon for construct 3. Midi web

    The library is good, but it lacks a few necessary commands, I'm writing my sampler, and I really need:

    1) need a function to find out the speed parameter. for a pressed note (VELOCITY) (this is something like the force of pressing a key)

    It is also unclear how to read the position of the PITCH BEND controller of the pitch range and the MODULATION controller.

    If you could add these features - I would pay you a little!

    The manufacturer of the milk

    link to the plugin

  • Good afternoon!

    I have bought and am using an addon for construct 3. Midi web

    The library is good, but it lacks a few necessary commands, I'm writing my sampler, and I really need:

    1) need a function to find out the speed parameter. for a pressed note (VELOCITY) (this is something like the force of pressing a key)

    It is also unclear how to read the position of the PITCH BEND controller of the pitch range and the MODULATION controller.

    If the midi note c3 is pressed then check its VELOCITY parameter

    If the Velocity parameter is .....then.....

    if the value of the Modulation Controller is .... then....

    If you could add these features - I would pay you a little!

    The manufacturer of the milk

    link to the plugin

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  • Midi plugin is updated now with this feature!

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